Patrick J. Toomey
Patrick Toomey
United States Senator
Official Contact Information
248 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Campaign Contact Information
P.O. Box 220 Orefield, PA 18069
In 2010, Pat Toomey was elected to the U.S. Senate from Pennsylvania on a platform of limited government, economic and job growth, and restoring fiscal responsibility. Since joining the Senate in 2011, he has distinguished himself as a leader on economic, financial services, and budget issues.
A champion of fiscal responsibility, he was heralded by the Philadelphia Inquirer as a “leading voice on money matters.” In his first year in the Senate, he was appointed to the bipartisan Super Committee tasked with forming a deficit reduction plan and played a key role in writing the JOBS Act. The JOBS Act cuts regulatory burdens on small and medium-sized businesses making it easier for them to expand and create thousands of new jobs. This important legislation passed the House and Senate, and was signed by President Obama into law.
The senator serves on the Finance; Banking; Budget; and Joint Economic committees and is the chairman of the Senate Steering Committee — the coalition of Republican senators that advocates for innovative, conservative policies. Sen. Toomey previously served in Congress as a member of the House of Representatives from Pennsylvania’s Fifteenth Congressional District, where he championed economic growth and fiscal discipline. In fulfillment of his three-term pledge, he retired from the House in 2004.
In addition to his public service, the senator has also served as president of the Club for Growth, owned and operated a small restaurant chain in the Lehigh Valley, and worked in the financial services industry. A graduate of Harvard University, he lives in Zionsville with his wife, Kris, and their three children.